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Is one allowed to say BIRCHAS HAMOZON (BENTCHING) in a different room from which they ate their meal.
Is one allowed to say BIRCHAS HAMOZON (BENTCHING) in a different room from which they ate their meal.
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Ep. 381. When one is about to start BENTCHING (Birchas haMozon), is there a problem if they change their place in the same room.
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Ep. 383. When one does the same thing each time they eat, it is as though they had specific intent for that action. (Even though they did not have it in mind).
October 14, 2024
About Shiur 918: Working with Children in Conjunction with Making Brachot.
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Is there a problem with getting ones hands dirty in the bathroom, after they had been washed the proper way for bread.
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how do we look at "PIZZA" in the halachas of brochas;