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What are some of the reasons why one has to say BIRCHAS HAMOZON (BENTCHING) in the same place which they ate.
What are some of the reasons why one has to say BIRCHAS HAMOZON (BENTCHING) in the same place which they ate.
Previous Episode
Ep. 383. When one does the same thing each time they eat, it is as though they had specific intent for that action. (Even though they did not have it in mind).
Next Episode
Ep. 385. Understanding the difference between "seeing the place where you ate" and "having in mind to eat or say BIRCAS HAMOZON ( BENTCHING) in another room, which one is not able to see".
October 27, 2022
The amount of time one should wait after eating main staple foods, e.g., kugel, chicken, cholent, etc. before they sit down to wash for...
August 23, 2022
Some more important pointers and reference to going to sleep during a meal.
February 04, 2022