Show Notes
What is the best thing to do if a lot of time passed and one has not BENTCHed yet.
What is the best thing to do if a lot of time passed and one has not BENTCHed yet.
Previous Episode
Ep. 414. How much time does one have to make a "After-brocha" if they only ate a small amount of food and they have never really became full.
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Ep. 416. How to work with tea or coffee that one drinks at the end of a meal. More important information on ice cream eaten during the meal.
June 27, 2022
One should be very careful to make the "after brocha" before they leave their place.
October 29, 2023
Eating the bread out of a plastic bag or from a silver foil. An interesting situation which could arise when going on vacation (in...
January 11, 2023
How to work with the Fourth brocha (הטוב והמטיב) of BENTCHING if one is not sure if it was said. Does a קטן (a...