Show Notes
Understanding the concept behind: if one is constantly eating (noshing) without a large break the "זמן עיכול" (the amount of time one has to make a after brocha) continues on.
Understanding the concept behind: if one is constantly eating (noshing) without a large break the "זמן עיכול" (the amount of time one has to make a after brocha) continues on.
Previous Episode
Ep. 427. How to work with the "ברכה אחרונה" (after brocha) when one is continuously eating the same type of food (noshing on food that has the same after brocha).
Next Episode
Ep. 429. Bottom line on how to work with continuously eating in conjunction with the "ברכה אחרונה" when one knows there will be a short break in between.
March 31, 2022
December 17, 2023
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April 21, 2024
One should try to eat a K'ZAYIS of the original bread on which they made the BRACHO before they eat other bread.