Show Notes
Does one have some sort of a time limit on a "ברכה ראשונה" (brocha before one eats).
Does one have some sort of a time limit on a "ברכה ראשונה" (brocha before one eats).
Previous Episode
Ep. 439. What should one do if they are eating fruits and drinking liquids, now when they finish eating the fruit they would like to continue drinking. (When do I make my "בורא נפשות" after brocha).
Next Episode
Ep. 441. A quick review on DRINKS and how to work with the "ברכה אחרונה" (after brocha).
April 03, 2023
What should one do if they BENTCHED after sunset and they forgot to say רצה. Some halachas about "הרחמן".
February 11, 2024
Washing for bread with soapy water or with white water.
April 14, 2023
Opinion number one - "pas Ha'ba B'kisnin" filled dough, e.g. pie.