Show Notes
Understanding at what point could I still go back to רצה or יעלה ויבוא.
What should one do if they dozed off in the middle of BENTCHING and they cannot recall where they are up to.
Understanding at what point could I still go back to רצה or יעלה ויבוא.
What should one do if they dozed off in the middle of BENTCHING and they cannot recall where they are up to.
June 07, 2023
what are some of the halachas of having a food change from a MEZONOS to a HAMOTZI;
January 06, 2025
How Do We Compare מים אחרונים (Mayim Acharonim) to מים ראשונים (Mayim Rishonim): Water Before Eating Bread and Before Bentching?
May 09, 2024
If One Took a Bite of Some Other Food First Before They Took a Bite of Their Bread After They Made the Brocha of...