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Ep. 683. Understand the distinction between a bandage on one's hand that one must always have on and a bandage on one's hand that they sometimes take off in reference to washing for bread
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Ep. 685. Very important details regarding when one has a bandage or cast on their hand and has to wash for bread.
July 30, 2023
does one have to wash for bread if their hands are perfectly clean? understanding the importance of a "דרבנן" (a commandment from chazal);
December 17, 2023
Cuticles (hanging pieces of dead skin) around the nail area, was it a חציצה (interpose) or not. For a splinter we go after the...
March 04, 2024
How do we understand the concept that if one makes a HAMOTZI for themselves and for others, the person that makes the HAMOTZI has...