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Ep. 931. Answering Ninety Times אמן (Amen) Throughout the Day. Do I Have to Wait for Someone to Finish Their Bracha Before Leaving the Room? A Story from Rav Pam זצ״ל. Asking Someone Else to Answer אמן to Your Bracha.
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Ep. 933. If One Hears Someone Else Davening שמונה עשרה (Shemoneh Esrei) Louder Than Usual, Should They Answer אמן (Amen)?
August 20, 2023
When should one make the brocha on washing for bread.
November 19, 2023
What is the halacha if one is still going to drink at their meal but they don't want to eat anymore. (Do they still...
January 01, 2023
Bottom line on what to do if one left the place where they ate and they did not BENTCH. Situations where they left by...