Latest Episodes
September 19, 2023
Ep. 601. Does one need to have a "WASHING CUP" in order to wash for bread.
Does one need to have a "WASHING CUP" in order to wash for bread.
September 20, 2023
Ep. 602. What makes a "WASHING CUP" not halachicly usable.
What makes a "WASHING CUP" not halachicly usable.
September 21, 2023
Ep. 603. Does one have to wash their entire hand when they are washing for bread.
Does one have to wash their entire hand when they are washing for bread.
September 24, 2023
Ep. 604. The importance of washing ones entire hand when washing for bread.
The importance of washing ones entire hand when washing for bread.
September 26, 2023
Ep. 605. Various different cases whereby one might be allowed to wash their hands only up to their knuckles when washing for bread.
Various different cases whereby one might be allowed to wash their hands only up to their knuckles when washing for bread.
September 26, 2023
Ep. 606. Does one have to remove the rings from their fingers when washing for bread.
Does one have to remove the rings from their fingers when washing for bread.