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What is the actual halacha in conjunction with if one eats a main staple food (e.g., chicken, fish, kugel, etc.) very close to the time they are going to wash on bread.
What is the actual halacha in conjunction with if one eats a main staple food (e.g., chicken, fish, kugel, etc.) very close to the time they are going to wash on bread.
August 04, 2022
The halachas of (שינוי מקום) going from one's house into their yard or porch that is closed off.
January 25, 2024
If one has washed for bread and already dried their hands, in general, it is not a problem to touch someone else's hands that...
June 02, 2022
Conclusion: What halachas does one have to be careful with when waking up the middle of the night to take a drink of water.