Show Notes
How much time is there for a ברכה אחרונה (after brocha) on main staple foods eaten before a meal.
How much time is there for a ברכה אחרונה (after brocha) on main staple foods eaten before a meal.
Previous Episode
Ep. 339. What is the actual halacha in conjunction with if one eats a main staple food (e.g., chicken, fish, kugel, etc.) very close to the time they are going to wash on bread.
Next Episode
Ep. 341. When is one allowed to eat an item right before one is going to wash, even though they will eat it during the meal.
November 25, 2024
When Is One Allowed to Make a So-called Bracha That Is Not Needed?
June 11, 2023
some important ways to work with eating cake, cookies, crackers, etc. with other foods and not having to BENTCH;
September 21, 2022
What to do when one eats ice cream, yogurt, Leben during a meal whereby they washed for bread.