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The bottom line halacha in reference to making the afterbrocha in the same place where you ate the food in conjunction with the three-way מחלוקת. (Three opinions brought down in halacha).
The bottom line halacha in reference to making the afterbrocha in the same place where you ate the food in conjunction with the three-way מחלוקת. (Three opinions brought down in halacha).
Previous Episode
Ep. 395. What should one do if they left the place where they were eating before they made a after brocha on "מיני דגן חמשת" (items of Mezonos) or fruits from the "שבעת המינים" - (the seven species - grapes, pomegranates, olives , etc.).
Next Episode
Ep. 397. Does one have to make the after brocha of "בורא נפשות" before they leave the place where they ate.
February 13, 2022
March 12, 2023
When BENTCHING one should be aware of their surroundings.
February 07, 2023
What should one do if "72" minutes passed after one ate fruit or other foods, but they never reached the point of being satisfied.