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Does one have to make the after brocha of "בורא נפשות" before they leave the place where they ate.
Does one have to make the after brocha of "בורא נפשות" before they leave the place where they ate.
Previous Episode
Ep. 396. The bottom line halacha in reference to making the afterbrocha in the same place where you ate the food in conjunction with the three-way מחלוקת. (Three opinions brought down in halacha).
Next Episode
Ep. 398. Introduction to what should one do if they are not sure if they BENTCHED (said BIRCHAS HAMOZON).
March 28, 2024
What is the halacha if one is not sure if they made a HAMOTZI on the bread.
October 16, 2022
If one of the meal courses is fruit how to work it in conjunction with eating it together with bread or challah.
November 06, 2022
What to do with the "After brocha" when one eats baked goods before washing for bread, but they will not be eating any cake...